Dear Respectful Sir,
    I am writing this letter on behalf of all those girls/women who have faced mental/physical assault in their life (i.e every girl in this world).
   Sorry for the cancellation above on the word "dear'', because I have always been asked to not be polite/kind/sociable to any man, as it is a sign of  "I am asking for it". Not just this, but if we wear a skirt which is above our knees, if we are out of our house after 8.00 pm, if we have male friends accompanied in a hangout, if we leave our hair open and a new one added that if we put on bangles and necklaces then we are meant to be raped and are characterless and are always " asking for it". 
  Boys have all right to wear whatever they want, be out late at night, have more of female friends and smoke and drink and do eve-teasing, molestation and rape just because it is their human nature, it defines their masculinity and its not their responsibility to control those tendency in their body ( This is what my ears have been made hear from birth). A girl is raped so it was her responsibility to not get raped. Her dress, body, hair, name, smell, walk, and idk what all have influenced the rapist to do what he did, that's the mentality of  not only men but women, not only rapist but cops ( only pointing some). 
  Girls are meant to do house chores. If there is a girl born in a house, so what is the need for a boy to do any kind of work. Come on they are superiors, right? ( yes this mentality exists even
today ). Girls are not meant to live in freedom. They can't smoke and drink like boys (ofc smoking is injurious but here the restrictions for girl is not due to care but questioning the character of hers), don't show too much of your skin otherwise you are asking men to molest you, decent family girls don't be out late nights, bla bla bla… We are made to think right from the start that periods are unhygienic. Come on bro! If your mom wouldn't have gone through it, then you wouldn't have taken birth.  If a women is married then his husband have the complete right to fuck her whenever he wants. She can't deny, fuck your period pain, fuck your health, fuck your mood, fuck your emotions, YOU HAVE TO DO IT(eah! cause our very sensibly disgusting people have declared that women are inferiors and sex slave).                                                                                                         
  This was not only physical pain but also mental pain. If we are raped then who are questioned? Girls. Girls are taught to fight and not get raped. But boys are not even asked to respect girls and not treat as object. We face a lot of restrictions in our house and even after this we are not been treated equally to men. Everyday new restrictions keeps on adding. 
  Let me tell you an incident I saw;
Tina was being liked by much older guy from her age. He crossed some lines and when asked him not to, he showed her his real face. Not revealing much, when the incident got over the first thing she was asked to do was not wear ripped jeans, to break friendship with her every male friends (not forgetting to mention that they are the first one to help her in it), she asked her mom to put her in gym but she said that- There will be boys out there so this situation might happen again. In every argument she was being taunted from every member of the family. There was a concern behind it by her parents, but the way they kept it in front of her, did not protected from, but gave a lot of mental stress. 
   Concluding this letter, I want to appreciate your patience in listening me because in our life, there will be no shortage of people who gives us mental and physical pain, but a lot more shortage of people who love us, respect us, understand us and treat us deservingly.
                                                                                                             Your lovingly respectfully,


1) Once a women turn 14-15, you can't call it a rape
2)If  wife will deny to have sex, ofcourse her husband will have extra marital affairs

Some disturbing videos;


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