Your mom not only gave you birth but also.....

She not only gave you birth, but also, kept you safe even during the nine months of you developing in her womb till today. We always tend to get irritated when she imposes certain restrictions in our life. But we don't even try to see the concerns behind those yellings and arguments and ofcourse restrictions. She just want us to be safe and progress for a better life than today. True! Too much of restrictions affects the child's mental health. But here we are talking about only those restrictions which truly have necessary concerns hidden behind. You will surely come across atleast one friend in your life, who will stop you from seeing your mom's concern behind her restrictions, maybe because of the concept of family vs friends, or maybe because he/she havn't been accompanied by somebody who would show them the right way. They will put you in a situation to choose between friends and family. And if you choose friends, your family life will be affected and vice versa . You will be named as a "fake friend", but learn to be logical and practical. Understand the concerns of your mom and emotional attachment of your friend towards you. Often in this cases, 90% time we choose our friends, but here I am telling you to just not make a choice. As a choice between the oxygen and water can't be made.

    She not only gave you birth, but also, watered you! And she will be watering you even if you yourself become a mom/dad. She is so sacrificing that she will not think twice before giving her first and last drop of water, to water you!

   She not only gave you birth, but also gave oxygen in this carbon dioxide world. Whenever we get depressed or angry, we remove all of our frustration on our parents. Curse them, shout, yell, hurt them and later not speak to them. And after sometime even after you realise your mistake, you don't make any efforts to apologise because you have your own ego building everyday but the same ego disappears in front of your gf/bf or friends. But your mom is the only person who comes up with a plate filled with your favourite dishes when you are angry on her (an illogical anger). She knows after every clash that its even your fault, but she never asks you to apologise to her just because for her, its you who is more important and neither her ego nor her victory in the argument. 

  She not only gave you birth, but also became an all rounder when it came to you. She became the best doctor when you fell ill, but even till today you don't know what medicines she takes. A best bodyguard when you were bullied or harassed. A best cook for you but still you might have not praised her efforts or kissed her hand for it. A best servant who full fills every second demand coming in every seconds like a Genie without any complaints.

  But, I do not why there are more old age homes being built. Why the parents are abandoned when they grow old. The time when they need you to be their parents and love them the way they did, you leave them as an old toy. When they grow old, they just want to find themselves in your heart, but you get so busy in your own built personal life that you not only "not give" them place in your so called personal life but also your heart. She was the one because of whom you cried for the first time (your birth) and now you are the one because of whom she cries because she is hurt and she wants you to see her tears and wipe it off and make her realise that you love her a lot!!! 

1) Team tutators old age home visits
2) Besahara    


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