

LOVE is not about protecting each other rather it is about strengthening. Love is not about luxurious dates rather it is about long walks and talks under the sky. Love is not about fulfilling every need rather it is about being each other's needs. It's about giving space in togetherness.  It's about being loyal even when you can be unloyal without being witnessed.  It's about respecting the decisions and making it right when it goes wrong. It's about being protective but not dominating. Love doesn't ask you to remove time for each other, you know why?   Because it already has one. LOVE HAS TIME. Love comes with a whole package of "T" i.e Time, Trust, Truth, Togetherness. If you have love, you will be able to remove 25 hours from 24 hours. Sounds miraculous, right? Because love is a miracle too. Love doesn't make you blind, rather it gives you a VISION. A vision to make a house, a home together. If love has to make you blind,


You may die today, tomorrow, or anytime soon. Sounds too harsh, right? But it's the truth... Where the number of Covid-19 patients is increasing rapidly, explosion, terror attack, fire, and many more knowns and unknowns incidents are/will be taking place this year. 2020 .  A year that everybody wants to skip. I don't know when this scary world will no more be scary. I don't know when we no more have to stay away to stay close to someone. I don't know whether I'll be there to see the world after, where there will be no more viruses eagerly waiting to infect me and you. I don't know how my body after death will be made to rest in peace. Will it be done by my family with all the rituals? Will I be made to rest along with other infected bodies due to lack of space, without being around my family for one last time ?  NOBODY wants to die. But we were born to be dead . Someday. Anyday.  It can be a second, minute, day, or anytime lat

ALL OF ME (Short poem)

A short poem about love and ignorance titled as " All of me ", inspired by the song All of me by John legend . Every word, every picture, every tune has emotions. Feel it. Title - ALL OF ME Writer/ editor / everything - ME :p Song - "ALL OF ME" by JOHN LEGEND Because.....ALL OF ME LOVES ALL OF YOU. Some more RECOMMENDED contents:- 1)  Azaad hokar bhi kaid hu may   ( A Hindi poem video) 2)  Ugly girl in an Indian society 3) She is just a teen mother / pregnant teen...... Instagram: @blogging_up_


If you know any teenage single mother or a pregnant teenage girl then stay away from her. Because such girls are among those bunch of characterless girls who can go to any extent to fulfill her physical needs. They are a whore. Don't feel bad about her situation because she deserves it . Right? That's how our society thinks, isn't it? LET'S TALK IT OUT! 1) For the society with its so-called purity-society norms. Your definition of purity is "virginity". If that's how you want to define people then I believe you are among those impure individuals. You are impure not only under the norms you have set but also under the norms we have set. In our definition of purity, pure are those, who are mentally pure. Who don't believe in the concept of virginity for women and non-virginity defines men. Who don't see women as a mean to serve men in all the ways but see men as a kind to NOT serve but respect and honor women. In our definition of purity, when

PART- 2: She faced it because she was a girl living in an Indian society.....

To understand this;: 1) you need to watch  this poem-video 2) you need to read the part one of  this Indian society   But then she decides to gather her courage after listening to her friend's statement, " Take a stand not for you, but atleast for all the girls living in this country who face such creeps every working day of their life". Sonakshi smiled :)   Sonakshi was scared of talking to her mother. Since, all this chaos is to be narrated to her family member on the call, she felt there would be a lack of emotional explanation to her mother. Sonakshi's mother being emotionally sensitive needed to be told face-to-face for effective conversation. Her sister was there with her mother that time. She explained it all to her sister. Sonakshi was constantly crying, thinking that her mother would not be proud of her ever again.   Waiting near the police station gate, constantly searching for her mother and sister who were about to come within 5 minutes. Mumma

PART- I : She faced it because she was a girl living in an indian society.....

  This is a blog based on the previous post (situation in which I wrote the poem). If you haven't seen it then click here . PART- I   An 18 year old girl named Sonakshi living in an indian society decided to do a part time job during her vacation. So she got into a real estate office with the help of an online job provider agent named Jay.   Jay, a 24 years old human, used to work in the same floor of the same commercial building where Sonakshi was placed. Everytime Jay used to constantly look at Sonakshi whenever got a chance. She was unaware!   Later he confessed his feelings to her. To which she denied every second time when the topic came up between them. So one day, he told her," Lets go in the office, we'll get privacy ". She being stunned did not undertand how to react to it. She later expressed all of her anger to him on a text message and forgot the incident. Next day, Sonakshi decides to quit the job to focus on her studies. Jay started calling a


Hindi Poem. What can be more beautiful than a collaboration of music and words. So this is the hindi poem written by me. It also has a story behind it. I will be sharing it in my next post. Stay tuned! LANGUAGE - Hindi ( An apology to those who does not understand Hindi) MUSIC - Dua (instrumental) Final word; I hope you liked this Hindi Poem. You may also want to see  SHE IS A HUMAN, NOT A TOY LINK TO MY BLOG-  WORDS SPEAKS


. Yes! Because of him, now I doubt Every proposal Every confession  Every feelings Every emotion Every conversation          Infact, every boy.....  Yes! Because of  him, now it feels Initially, every boy will be my man And later, Will hurt my body and soul That will make me regret lifespan  Yes! Because of him, even after full efforts I fail  To appreciate Genuine soul's efforts  Yes! Because of  him, its tough now For me, To see, Every feelings, Emotions, Confessions, Love As true and never ending  In reality

Your mom not only gave you birth but also.....

She not only gave you birth, but also, kept you safe even during the nine months of you developing in her womb till today. We always tend to get irritated when she imposes certain restrictions in our life. But we don't even try to see the concerns behind those yellings and arguments and ofcourse restrictions. She just want us to be safe and progress for a better life than today. True! Too much of restrictions affects the child's mental health. But here we are talking about only those restrictions which truly have necessary concerns hidden behind. You will surely come across atleast one friend in your life, who will stop you from seeing your mom's concern behind her restrictions, maybe because of the concept of family vs friends , or maybe because he/she havn't been accompanied by somebody who would show them the right way. They will put you in a situation to choose between friends and family. And if you choose friends, your family life will be affected and vice ve


    Hello! This is Nitya! I am 23yrs old girl who is not just ugly, but also have specs.I am always being unnecessarily remembered that I am a GIRL with a DARK skin not only by my classmates but also by my relatives and family.    Right from my birth, they have declared that they will need to work extra hard in terms of sweat and money (dowry) to find a boy for me to get married. When I was 16 yrs old, my parents were constantly remembered by my relatives and neighbours to start finding a boy for me as it will take atleast 3 years for any single boy to get convinced to marry me after having a look at my ugly face. They were specifically precautioned to not be demanding in front of the boy's family when you have a girl who is ugly.    My cousin sisters are as pretty as snow-whites but have a heart which is as ugly as a witch. Everytime when the whole family is about to meet either in a festival or weddings, I am being pressurised to put extra makeup so that I look atleast l


Dear Respectful Sir,     I am writing this letter on behalf of all those girls/women who have faced mental/physical assault in their life (i.e every girl in this world).    Sorry for the cancellation above on the word "dear'', because I have always been asked to not be polite/kind/sociable to any man, as it is a sign of  "I am asking for it". Not just this, but if we wear a skirt which is above our knees, if we are out of our house after 8.00 pm, if we have male friends accompanied in a hangout, if we leave our hair open and a new one added that if we put on bangles and necklaces then we are meant to be raped and are characterless and are always " asking for it".    Boys have all right to wear whatever they want, be out late at night, have more of female friends and smoke and drink and do eve-teasing, molestation and rape just because it is their human nature, it defines their masculinity and its not their responsibility to control thos


   I am ugly. I feel the most ugliest person in this world. They call me dark. They call me fat with big thighs. I have no friends. No proposals. No compliments. Nothing!!! Because I have a face which God made without any efforts.....        Do you come across this thoughts?                                                               Yes? Darling read the whole blog!!! Am I ugly if...… 1)Nobody compliments me? - You know yourself right from your birth. If your age is 20 years then you know yourself in and out from 20 years. Nobody knows about you as much as you know about yourself, be it your friends, classmates, tiny enemies or parents. First time you must have felt ugly when you would have heard that word for yourself for the first time. So before that you had believe that you were beautiful but after listening to peoples shitty opinions who just know you since past few months maybe and doubting your beauty because of it, do you think its worth your heart and soul


* What is Love ?     Love is a feeling for someone or something where you want him/her to be happy whether with you or without you. You are ready to sacrifice your everything for that single person. You want to look in his/her eyes, feel his/her soul, nurture, protect and stand for him/her. * Individuality   When you love somebody you not only have to respect the person but also his/her decisions.    You have to grow together not only as a pair but also individually. You both have to understand that before sharing the bond with eachother, there was a bond with self which also needs attention.       Like how it is necessary to maintain a balance between your studies/career/family/friends and love life, likewise it is very important to understand that yourself needs some time with you.    If you are in a relationship or married it doesn't mean that you lost the freedom of sometime going on a solo trip or with your friends. * Loyalty   If your par


Wild wind, take me with you Here, these humans have made the love flew Blissful birds, take me to your nest Because there I find humanity, I wish to rest Mesmerising music, hug me passionately Need peace, this world no longer persist loyalty Enormous ocean, make me the part of vast you Before drowning in this demonic world, wish to drown in you Stupendous sun, i'll shine when you are mine People here makes me dim, whenever I try to shine Strong soil- strength, calmness and positivity in your lawn As you get stronger when you are stepped upon Graceful God! Humans and nature are your creativity Then why nature towards you shows relativity, and Humans, are so demonic in reality ???!!


         We try to search a friend in our parents but it always turns out to make us unhappy when we are growing up with a strict parents.          Growing up with strict parents certainly leads to a situation when we are not able to talk to them about our personal life. We see that our friend's parents are so friendly with them. From relationships in life till sex they knows everything about their child and still support them and guide them and don't force them to follow the rules that so called "society" has created.                  But when we try to be friendly to them and expose a secret like about out crush or relationship then we are being made to listen an undeserving lecture from every member in the family and in some case beaten up and the situation worsen when the things reaches to the crush or bf/gf 's family.          We are not being given permission to be in our own space which gives us happiness. A small conversation for a permission to s